What is Space Planning?

Space planning is the analysis and documentation of a business’s current and/or proposed facility. The purpose may include any of the following:

Improve work flow
Determine if a new space or building will accommodate a business’s current and future needs
Improve communications between employees and/or departments
Satisfy emergency exiting and Americans with Disabilities Act requirements
Creation of employee lounge spaces
Adding work spaces
Implementation of the latest workplace technologies
Creation of teaming spaces

Completed space plans are used in all aspects of implementing the reconfiguration or relocation of a business. Trades that require accurate space plans include contractors, flooring vendors, painters, electricians, computer and phone cabling vendors, HVAC contractors, IT professionals, lighting contractors, furniture vendors, movers, furniture installers and cabinet makers.

office space Plan

Space planning services offered by landlords aren’t always in the best interest of tenants. The space planning firm is being paid by the landlord and typically is looking out for the best interest of the landlord and not the tenant. Tenant square footage requirements can be exaggerated and can result in tens of thousands of dollars in extra lease costs each year. Considering the radical changes in how work is taking place, with the implementation of touchdown and hoteling work spaces, the amount of square footage required by a company in today’s work environment can be greatly reduced through proper space planning.

Written by the designers at officespaceplanners.com, providing space planning throughout the USA since 1988.

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